Beta Review Master 1.1a by

Latin Typing Key

a_ e_ i_ o_ u_
ā  ē  ī  ō  ū
Classical Latin

Vocabulary Oxford Latin Course Book 2 Chapter 25
  • Words from chapter 25
    •    A. easiness, ease, facility, readiness
    •    B. very quickly, very soon
    •    C. short
    •    D. of a man, like a man, manly, masculine, virile
    •    A. to be light, be clear, shine, beam, glow, glitter
    •    B. boyish, childish, youthful
    •    C. very quickly, very soon
    •    D. a plain, field, open country, level place
    •    A. an uproar, bustle, commotion, disturbance, disorder, tumult, panic
    •    B. a great number, multitude, crowd, throng
    •    C. easiness, ease, facility, readiness
    •    D. attentiveness, earnestness, diligence, industry, assiduity, care, faithfulness
    •    A. short
    •    B. easiness, ease, facility, readiness
    •    C. boyish, childish, youthful
    •    D. a letter, alphabetical sign, written sign of a sound
    •    A. distinguished by a mark, remarkable, noted, eminent, distinguished, prominent, extraordinary
    •    B. an uproar, bustle, commotion, disturbance, disorder, tumult, panic
    •    C. attentiveness, earnestness, diligence, industry, assiduity, care, faithfulness
    •    D. boyish, childish, youthful
    •    A. that which is binding, right, justice, duty
    •    B. to take, take up, take in hand, lay hold of, assume
    •    C. to be light, be clear, shine, beam, glow, glitter
    •    D. a plain, field, open country, level place
    •    A. a formal proposition for a law, motion, bill
    •    B. short
    •    C. attentiveness, earnestness, diligence, industry, assiduity, care, faithfulness
    •    D. that which is binding, right, justice, duty
    •    A. a formal proposition for a law, motion, bill
    •    B. attentiveness, earnestness, diligence, industry, assiduity, care, faithfulness
    •    C. a letter, alphabetical sign, written sign of a sound
    •    D. an uproar, bustle, commotion, disturbance, disorder, tumult, panic
    •    A. distinguished by a mark, remarkable, noted, eminent, distinguished, prominent, extraordinary
    •    B. to be light, be clear, shine, beam, glow, glitter
    •    C. very quickly, very soon
    •    D. of a man, like a man, manly, masculine, virile
    •    A. a great number, multitude, crowd, throng
    •    B. attentiveness, earnestness, diligence, industry, assiduity, care, faithfulness
    •    C. an uproar, bustle, commotion, disturbance, disorder, tumult, panic
    •    D. distinguished by a mark, remarkable, noted, eminent, distinguished, prominent, extraordinary
    •    A. very quickly, very soon
    •    B. to be light, be clear, shine, beam, glow, glitter
    •    C. an uproar, bustle, commotion, disturbance, disorder, tumult, panic
    •    D. easiness, ease, facility, readiness
    •    A. that which is binding, right, justice, duty
    •    B. distinguished by a mark, remarkable, noted, eminent, distinguished, prominent, extraordinary
    •    C. boyish, childish, youthful
    •    D. of a man, like a man, manly, masculine, virile
    •    A. of a man, like a man, manly, masculine, virile
    •    B. distinguished by a mark, remarkable, noted, eminent, distinguished, prominent, extraordinary
    •    C. boyish, childish, youthful
    •    D. to take, take up, take in hand, lay hold of, assume
    •    A. boyish, childish, youthful
    •    B. easiness, ease, facility, readiness
    •    C. an uproar, bustle, commotion, disturbance, disorder, tumult, panic
    •    D. attentiveness, earnestness, diligence, industry, assiduity, care, faithfulness
    •    A. to be light, be clear, shine, beam, glow, glitter
    •    B. a letter, alphabetical sign, written sign of a sound
    •    C. distinguished by a mark, remarkable, noted, eminent, distinguished, prominent, extraordinary
    •    D. of a man, like a man, manly, masculine, virile